Venice Biennale Panel Discussion on Synthetic Biology for Carbon-Positive Architecture, 2021 -2100, at COMUNITÀ RESILIENTI, Padiglione Italia alla Biennale Architettura 2021, Sunday 11 am to 11:45 am, ESTThe Biennale will officially broadcast our panel discussion on the Venice Biennale Facebook Channel and other Biennale network media channels.
Andrew Hessel, San Francisco, 2 am, PDT, (11 am EST)
Mitchell Joachim, New York, 5 am, EDT, (11 am EST
Rachel Armstrong, 11 am EST
Thomas Spiegelhalter, 11 am EST, broadcasting live from the Biennale.
Rachel Armstrong, 11 am EST
Thomas Spiegelhalter, 11 am EST, broadcasting live from the Biennale.