MISC Magazine Interview with Mitchell Joachim and Scott Pobiner of Terreform ONE
"On Makerbots and Garden Plots Manufacturing and Innovation in 2020", MISC magazine FALL 2016. pp. 106-109.
Terreform ONE Cricket Shelter and Farm in WIRED Magazine
This emergency shelter will house and feed you thanks to 50,000 breeding crickets
Terreform ONE Cricket Shelter and Farm in WIRED Magazine
By OLIVER FRANKLIN-WALLIS, Snack Shack, p.93 Nov. 2016.
Terreform ONE wants to combine the new food trend of edible insects, whilst offering protection with the new Cricket Shelter.
Terreform ONE in SURFACE magazine
Surface, OCT: Renaissance Plan: The Brooklyn Navy Yard has long been on the radar of developers, and now its reinvention is underway. Terreform ONE, Mitchell Joachim.
Terreform ONE in DETAIL magazine
Jakob Schoof, Nahrhaftes Stacheltier: Insektenfarm in New York
Architecture & Culture magazine Terreform ONE
Mi-Ho Choi. "Cricket House Terreform ONE," Architecture & Culture, No. 425, Oct. 2016, pp.34-43
New Book: Le Livre des Merveilles Technologiques
Igor Bogdanov, Grichka Bogdanov. "Terreform ONE Urban Farm Pod," Le livre des merveilles technologiques, Flammarion 2016, pp. 148-9.
Urban Tangle Map, Terreform ONE Installed at NYU
New York University, StudentLink and Global Services Center 383 Lafayette Street, New York, NY.
Media: Bamboo 7'x 7'x 9'.
The Routledge Companion to Biology in Art and Architecture with Mitchell Joachim of Terreform ONE
The Routledge Companion to Biology in Art and Architecture by Charissa Terranova and Meredith Tromble
Part 1: Biologies and Architectural Histories 1. The Biocentric Bauhaus Oliver Botar 2. Biology in Architecture Anna P. Sokolina 3. Birds of a Feather Hadas Steiner 4. The Dwelling-Garden Dyad in Twentieth-Century Affordable Housing Sarah Bonnemaison 5. Ourboros Architecture Peder Anker 6. Architectures of Aliveness Marie-Pier Boucher 7. Gene in Context Christina Cogdell
Part 2: Biologies and Architectural Theories and Practices 8. Bio City Map and Plug-In Ecology Mitchell Joachim 9. Hylozoic Series Philip Beesley 10. Architecture and Living Matter(s) Zenovia Toloudi 11. Morphogenesis and Design Sara Franceschelli 12 Microecologies of the Built Environment Ted Krueger 13. Your Rotten Future Will Be Great Philip Ross
Part 3: Biologies and Art Histories 14. The Epigenetic Landscape of Art and Science c. 1950 Charissa Terranova 15. Mind Matrix Dawna Schuld16. Fantastic Voyage and Other Scales of Wonder Patricia Olynyk 17. Animal Art (1987) and the Split Origins of Bioart Arnaud Gerspacher 18. 'An Eccentric Kind of Teaching Machine' Margo Handwerker19. Underwater Music Stefan Helmreich 20. Racial Technologies in the Time of Black Cyborgnetic Consciousness Poe Johnson
Part 4: Biologies and Art Theories and Practices 21. Evolutionary Yarns in Seahorse Valley Sophia Roosth 22. Vital Tissue Constructs Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr 23. Demonstratable Plasticity Jennifer Johung 24. Investigating the Ethical and Practical Limits of BioartAnna Dumitriu 25. From Materiality to Machines Dorothy Santos 26. The Sixth Element Brittany Ransom 27. A Longing in Our Hearts Meredith Tromble 28. Self-Portrait of the Artist Meditating on Death Jane Prophet 29. Piper in the Woods Kathy High 30. Axioms on Art and Gene Action Adam Zaretsky.
Urban Tangle: 2,000 City Grid Fragments Connected by the Public with Terreform ONE
Urban Tangle: Make It Together Network City Map. 2,000 City Grid Fragments Connected by the Public - Terreform ONE
Our project consists of hundreds of
machine-milled components made from fragments of city maps. All the
physical map elements correspond to variable grid patterns and street patterns of
NYU's Global Network sites and three main campuses. Each participating
person is asked to build his or her own map of NYU from the randomized
city-grid fragments. No answer is wrong, instead it’s a three dimensional
artifact of collective memories made of multiple recollections while exploring
NYU sites. From Shanghai to New York every student and faculty has a different
experience of his or her time at NYU.
This combinatorial sculpture serves as a spatial expression of our
multi-cultural and diverse locales. Based on Situationist theory, this mapping
concept is a primary method of stabilizing what was referred to as the “spectacle.”
It is a compositional assembly of pre-made situations, meant to be collectively
composed. These physical moments of life are deliberately fabricated for the
purpose of rekindling and shadowing authentic desires, feeling the sensation of
life and adventure, and the liberation of routine activities in cities. Our map
project is a three dimensional version of a specific Situationist product otherwise
called, Psychogeography. Here, psychogeography
invented by Guy Debord in 1955 is the, “study of the precise laws and specific
effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the
emotions and behavior of individuals.” We have moved beyond their original
works to celebrate NYU in a similar experiential manner. Yet we still give
homage to the achievements of the Situationist International
arts group.
Mitchell Joachim, Maria Aiolova, Matthew Mitchell, Mat Sokol, Shandor Hassan, Molly Ritmiller, Jasmine Hwang, Janghee Lee, Liana Grobstein.
Mitchell Joachim, Maria Aiolova, Matthew Mitchell, Mat Sokol, Shandor Hassan, Molly Ritmiller, Jasmine Hwang, Janghee Lee, Liana Grobstein.
NYU Public Art Terreform ONE
IT TOGETHER - Discover the serious art of play, and join others in the
NYU community to create a public piece of communal art. Gallatin and
Tisch Professor Mitchell Joachim, inventor and designer and co-president
of Terreform ONE, has created the opportunity. We need you to make it
real and make it together. SEPT. 21-22nd @ NYU Schwartz Plaza West 4th
Domus Feature: Insect Farm, Terreform ONE
Cricket Shelter, New York City, US Program: modular edible insect farm Design: Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE Team: Maria Aiolova, Melanie Fessel, Felipe Molina, Matthew Tarpley, Jiachen Xu, Lissette Olivares, Cheto Castellano, Shandor Hassan, Christian Hamrick, Ivan Fuentealba, Sung Moon, Kamila Varela, Yucel Guven, Chloe Byrne, Miguel Lantigua-Inoa, Alex Colard Sponsor: Art Works for Change Year: 2016
Azure magazine Terreform ONE
Lorraine Johnson, "Comfort Food Terreform ONE's modular cricket farm is snug as a bug," Azure, p.122 v.249 Jul/Aug.
Terreform ONE wins R+D Award for Cricket Shelter and Farm, Architect, July 2016.
Terreform ONE's Mushroom Chair in Dwell
Heather Corcoran, "Mushrooms: Building Blocks of the Future?" Terreform ONE Mycoform Chair, Dwell, Jul/Aug. p.48
LifeObject: Merging Biology & Architecture
Yasha J. Grobman et. al. LifeObject: Merging Biology & Architecture, "The Evolution of Biological Dimensions in Israeli Architecture," Fab Tree Hab, Sternthal Books
Technoetic Arts: Ten archetypes of nature in design
Ten archetypes of nature in design
Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, Vol. 14 Issue 1-2, June 2016.
Author: Mitchell Joachim
Abstract: What we mean when we use the word ‘nature’ critically affects design culture. Since nature has many different interpretations, the following lexicon is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of the word’s etymology or usage by designers. Instead, I offer ten archetypical perspectives of nature that can help designers and non-designers alike clarify the different, sometimes overlapping, sometimes conflicting ways in which we understand the fundamental relationships between humans and our environment.
Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, Vol. 14 Issue 1-2, June 2016.
Author: Mitchell Joachim
Abstract: What we mean when we use the word ‘nature’ critically affects design culture. Since nature has many different interpretations, the following lexicon is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of the word’s etymology or usage by designers. Instead, I offer ten archetypical perspectives of nature that can help designers and non-designers alike clarify the different, sometimes overlapping, sometimes conflicting ways in which we understand the fundamental relationships between humans and our environment.
ICFF Terreform ONE Mushroom Chair
Terreform ONE unveils biodegradable furniture to the world of interior design!
Company launches Mushroom Chaise at ICFF, International Contemporary Furniture Fair
Terreform ONE, the visionary architecture and design group, showcases for the first time its design for the “Mushroom Chaise”, a futuristic lounge chair made from biodegradable mushrooms at the ICFF, from May 14-17, 2016 at the Jacob Javits Center. Terreform ONE will unveil this statement piece, and show that biodesign can offer a beautiful alternative to mass furniture production that does not deplete natural resources, but can actually contribute to the environment. WHY GROW A CHAIR? Terreform ONE has created a waste-free, pollution-free mushroom chair, the first of its kind. The chair was grown in seven days from strains of fungi into the multi-curved chaise piece. At the end of its useful product life cycle, the chair can be composted and safely reintroduced back into the environment, where it can be naturally biodegraded. The chair was grown using material manufactured by Ecovative, a leading biomaterials company that believes “Mushrooms the new plastic.”Using bio-fabrication techniques, Terreform launches an organic furniture design service to customers who are looking for innovative alternatives to greener living and responsible consumerism, themes underlying the non-profit mission.
According to Art Works for Change in “Footing the Bill: Art and Our Ecological Footprint”, “In the work of Terreform ONE, we see a world in which architecture and furniture is grown from mushrooms and living cells, and our homes are formed by guided growth of living trees. Part science and part science fiction, these are the ideas of makers, scientists and dreamers. They are the seeds that will grow into the human habitats of the future and yield a sustainable abundance for humankind.”
ARCHITECT Cricket Farm w/ Terreform ONE
MIT on the "Future of Suburbia" by Amanda Kolson Hurley, ARCHITECT, May 2016, Vol. 105 No. 5, Terreform ONE Cricket Farm, p. 182.
Review of MIT CAU conference when the Cricket Shelter premiered.
Review of MIT CAU conference when the Cricket Shelter premiered.
National Geographic on Urban Planting and Farm Pod
Urban Planting by Catherine Zuckerman, JUNE 2016, VOL. 229, No. 6, pp. 22-23.
"One potential solution: more innovative designs. For ecologist Dickson Despommier that means vertical farming, cultivating fruits and vegetables under controlled settings within tall buildings—now particularly popular in Japan. Architect Mitchell Joachim’s solution takes a different shape: The spherical pod he developed has a food-growing system on the outside and habitable space inside. The pod can be sized up to fit a larger site, Joachim says, or down to fit a high-rise balcony."
"One potential solution: more innovative designs. For ecologist Dickson Despommier that means vertical farming, cultivating fruits and vegetables under controlled settings within tall buildings—now particularly popular in Japan. Architect Mitchell Joachim’s solution takes a different shape: The spherical pod he developed has a food-growing system on the outside and habitable space inside. The pod can be sized up to fit a larger site, Joachim says, or down to fit a high-rise balcony."
Keynote lecture at NXP Austin
Architect and designer Mitchell Joachim tackles the
urban issues redefining our built environments and cities: his work
boldly reassesses the way humans live together in the 21st Century. In
mind-bending talks, Joachim envisions a future in which biology and
architecture are a single discipline—and shares the ground-breaking work
and disruptive ideas that will make that future a reality.
Awarded Fulbright
The J. William Fulbright
Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB), the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs
of the Department of State (the Department), and the Council for International
Exchange of Scholars (CIES), has selected Mitchell Joachim for a Fulbright grant for urban planning in Turkey.
Footing the Bill: Art and Our Ecological Footprint with Terreform ONE
Two-Part Digital Exhibition Invites Viewers to Examine the Relationship
Between Human Consumption and Earth’s Finite Resources
“Footing the Bill: Art and Our Ecological Footprint” is a two-part exhibition addressing the urgent need to live sustainably within the Earth’s finite resources. Part II of the exhibition launches on Earth Day 2016 (April 22), and features works from 35 artists by invitation only, including the work of Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE. Joachim is an architect and co-founder of Terreform ONE, an interdisciplinary think tank that combines visionary designs with biology and engineering. In the work of Terraform ONE we see a hopeful vision for the cities and suburbs of the future.
For more information, please visit
Striking gallery adds
urgency to addressing natural resource depletion and allows visitors to pledge
immediate action
“Footing the Bill: Art and Our Ecological Footprint” is a two-part exhibition addressing the urgent need to live sustainably within the Earth’s finite resources. Part II of the exhibition launches on Earth Day 2016 (April 22), and features works from 35 artists by invitation only, including the work of Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE. Joachim is an architect and co-founder of Terreform ONE, an interdisciplinary think tank that combines visionary designs with biology and engineering. In the work of Terraform ONE we see a hopeful vision for the cities and suburbs of the future.
exhibition offers the opportunity for active engagement on issues of
sustainability. Each artwork in the
online exhibition is paired with a series of “pledges,” actions that
individuals can take in their own lives to reduce their environmental impact.
Visitors who adopt one or more pledges will be able to share those pledges,
along with an image of the artwork that inspired them, with their social
networks on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr. The exhibition will be promoted with the
hashtags, #EndOvershoot and #OneEarth.
ultimate objective of this exhibition is to create dialogue and inspire action.
The interactivity and digital nature of this project makes it accessible
to all audiences, which is vital because while this issue affects us all, we also all have
equal opportunity to act,”
says Executive Director Randy Rosenberg.
For more information, please visit
Feel free to
tweet @ArtWorks4Change, share
on Facebook, post on Tumblir and Instagram
(@artworksforchange), and check out AWFC on YouTube.
NYU Sustainability Summit Keynote w/ Mitchell Joachim Terreform ONE
Mitchell Joachim spoke about environmental threats to our planet and what he and his company, Terreform ONE,
are doing to mitigate these problems. He presented images and blue
prints for sustainable urban green space and, not to forget, futuristic cars
made of soy-based pillows.
Future of Suburbia talk with Mitchell Joachim at MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism
Center for Advanced Urbanism believes it is time to explore how the suburbs may
be improved through better design and planning. What new land tenure models are
needed to ensure that suburbs will become the frontier of innovation, tapping
into flexible land-use to enable experimental economies, programs, and
building? What technological innovations and productive systems will be
embedded within suburban development to allow for self-sufficiency, or even
perhaps to become a net producer of food, water, and energy? How do new forms
of suburbs in these contexts evolve over time? The Future of
Suburbia conference will outline four design frameworks that project a future
that is heterogeneous, experimental, autonomous and productive. Each of these
themes will be explored by panelists from a broad array of fields including:
design, architecture, urban planning, history and demographics, policy, energy,
mobility, health, environment, economics, and applied and future technologies.
Cricket Shelter - Modular Edible Insect Farm and Survival Habitat
The continuous impact of
climate dynamics, armed conflicts, non-stop urbanization and
economic upheavals present a distinct need for a hybrid architectural
topology to deliver parallel solutions for food and shelter in each distressed
region. This is a dual-purpose shelter and modular insect farm
bounded into one structure. It’s intended for the impending food crisis,
where people will need access to good sources of alternative protein,
as raising livestock is not possible at our current rate of consumption
and resource extraction. The United Nations has mandated insect sourced
protein is a major component to solving global food distribution problems. This arguably impacts the diets of all
peoples across the globe.
In an advanced economic setting, this farm can introduce a sophisticated and ultra-sanitary method of locally harvesting insects for the production of cricket flour in fine cuisine recipes. It can also serve to be a new topology for a specialty restaurant, eatery, storehouse or similar architectural program. Introducing crickets into the modern American/ European diet is not a simple task, but there is precedent. For example, a few decades ago American’s did not wish to eat raw fish. Yet positive change materialized after sushi was introduced on a culturally refined and hygienic level. The same kind of approach needs to be embedded in the cultivation of crickets to achieve the cleanliness, quality, and purity of the farm-to-table system. Over two billion people eat insects every day; it’s time to reintroduce them into the diets of the remaining population.
Raising cattle, pigs, and chicken for meat products all require immense amounts of fresh water. Harvesting insects for food typical takes three hundred times less water for the same amount of protein. Our project aims to maximize access to nutrient resources and to deal with and support local communities in anticipation of post-disaster scenarios. This also targets societal upgrading strategies in both
developed and developing countries as the temporary shelter easily coverts to a permanent farming system/ eatery after the crisis has dissipated.
In an advanced economic setting, this farm can introduce a sophisticated and ultra-sanitary method of locally harvesting insects for the production of cricket flour in fine cuisine recipes. It can also serve to be a new topology for a specialty restaurant, eatery, storehouse or similar architectural program. Introducing crickets into the modern American/ European diet is not a simple task, but there is precedent. For example, a few decades ago American’s did not wish to eat raw fish. Yet positive change materialized after sushi was introduced on a culturally refined and hygienic level. The same kind of approach needs to be embedded in the cultivation of crickets to achieve the cleanliness, quality, and purity of the farm-to-table system. Over two billion people eat insects every day; it’s time to reintroduce them into the diets of the remaining population.
Raising cattle, pigs, and chicken for meat products all require immense amounts of fresh water. Harvesting insects for food typical takes three hundred times less water for the same amount of protein. Our project aims to maximize access to nutrient resources and to deal with and support local communities in anticipation of post-disaster scenarios. This also targets societal upgrading strategies in both
developed and developing countries as the temporary shelter easily coverts to a permanent farming system/ eatery after the crisis has dissipated.
Structurally, the shelter can be minimized into easily
manufactured and replicable elements such as a simple CNC plywood
archway with linked off-the-shelf plastic containers as infill
surface. The current version of the structure is more customized
to account for solar orientation, airflow and varied spatial
programs internally. A computational model was used to parametrically
align all of the individual containers to match the archway splines.
Each pre-ordered container was modified to add ventilation screens,
flexible insect sacks, locally controlled louvers, and permeable
feeder ports with rotating locking mechanisms. The wind quill
ventilation component magnifies the sound of cricket chirping in columns of
vibrating air.
The scheme has a multipronged focus on
international hunger solutions, sustainable food distribution methods
and modular compact architecture. A project of this type is built for
areas in calamitous need both present and future. We understand that our
role in the complex system of global cooperation is to seek
holistic solutions that integrate interdisciplinary knowledge
and citizen participation for shelter and subsistence farming. It is
essential to understand the physical, social and cultural substrate
of developing territories in which food and refuge is simultaneously
Credits: Terreform ONE, Mitchell Joachim (PI), Maria Aiolova, Felipe Molina, Matthew Tarpley, Melanie Fessel, Jiachen Xu, Lissette Olivares, Cheto Castellano, Shandor Hassan, Christian Hamrick, Ivan Fuentealba, Sung Moon, Kamila Varela, Yucel Guven, Chloe Byrne, Miguel Lantigua-Inoa
Sponsor: Art Works for Change.
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