IAAC Studio Presentations
Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) Studio in Barcelona lead by Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto and
Carmelo Zappulla, When Energy Becomes Form, presented their prototypes
to an international jury composed by Silvia Bures (agricultural
engineer), Joan García (GEMMA UPC), Tomasz Jaskiewicz (TU Delft), Manuel
Kretzer (ETH Zurich), Mitchell Joachim (Terreform ONE), Josep Muntañola
(ETSAB UPC), Enrico Dini (D-Shape), Manuel Gausa (IAAC Dean) and Areti
Markopoulou (MAA Director). http://www.iaacblog.com/blog/2013/fall-term-presentations-when-energy-becomes-form/