NEAR (Network for Emerging Architectural Research)
The Network for Emerging Architectural Research is a new research initiative in Graduate Architecture and Urban Design (GAUD) at The Pratt Institute School of Architecture. Intended to be an entirely new platform for experimentation in architecture and urban design, NEAR seeks to expand beyond the traditional limitations of academic research and establish a space for experimentation and development in-between academia, industries, and public institutions. Commensurate with the complexities of the 21st century, the goal of NEAR is to reach across disciplines to extend architectural knowledge and its modes of practice.
"Are the ecological and the computational movements interconnected?"
Thursday, March 24, 6pm-8pm
Introduction by David Ruy
Panelists: Karl Chu, Edward Eigen, Catherine Ingraham, Sanford Kwinter
Experiments at the Intersection
Friday, March 25, 1pm-3pm
Introduction by David Ruy
Presentations: NEAR Confederated Studios Fall '10 (Mitchell Joachim / Maria Aiolova, Carla Leitao, David Ruy), Rhett Russo, Future Cities Lab (Jason Kelly Johnson), CASE RPI / SOM (Ted Ngai), Cmmwlth (Zoe Coombes), Verge Labs (Ginger Krieg Dosier)
Friday, March 25, 330pm-530pm
Moderated by Philip Parker
Presentations: Genspace (Dr. Ellen Joergensen, Daniel Grushkin & Sung won Lim, Nurit Bar-Shai, Dr. Oliver Medvedik), Bioworks Institute (Dr. Oliver Medvedik) & Terreform One (Mitchell Joachim, Maria Aiolova), The Living (David Benjamin)
Respondents: Lydia Kallipoliti & William Myers
"What is organicism today?"
Friday, March 25, 6pm-8pm
Moderated by David Ruy
Presentations: Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Chuck Hoberman, Adam Bly, William Mac Donald, Jesse Reiser