EcoRedux Exhibition in Greece

1000 x Architecture of the Americas

See the work of DUB Studios
DUB studios is a multi-disciplinary design practice. We work on projects at various sizes, ranging from furniture to towers. At all scales our work involves the practices of Design, Urbanism and Building. We see Design as both a creative and pragmatic process that turns problems into opportunities; Urbanism as a method of observing and acting on a project's varied surroundings; and Building as the motivation for and best test of an idea. DUB studios is headed by its three partners: Natalya Kashper, Michael Piper, Gabriel Sandoval.
Recent Published Designs of Terreform 1

Future North Ecotarium video exhibit at:
Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland
Jan. 23 - May 9, 2009
Jaroslav Fragner Gallery
Green Architecture
Prague, CZ
Oct. 30 - Dec. 14, 2008
Miller Block Gallery
Figments Imagination
Boston, MA
Oct. 17 - Nov. 29, 2008
Future North
Jane D. Marsching, Terreform 1: Mitchell Joachim,
Makoto Okazaki, Maria Aiolova, Melanie Fessel, Dan O'Connor.
Bioworks Institute Online in Brooklyn

Rapid Re(f)use: New Project at Terreform 1

NHPR: Redesigning Cities for the Future
NH Public Radio:
Redesigning Cities for the Future w/ Mitchell Joachim
Word of Mouth
By Virginia Prescott
Listen here: http://www.nhpr.org/node/18175
Wired & New America Foundation, Wash. D.C.

WIRED: The 2008 Smart List - 15 People The Next President Should Listen To

Cal Poly Hearst Lecture: Ecotransology
2008-2009 Hearst Lecture Series . Hosted by Cal Poly's College of Architecture and Environmental Design. Dr. Joachim will be presenting; Ecotransolgy, Nov. 21st. 4pm at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Foro de Arquitectura 2008 - ACTION:REACTION
Dr. Joachim will be presenting the work of Terreform 1
at Foro de Arquitectura 2008 - COM:PLOT.
Oct. 5th-8th in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Special Thanks: Louis Cespedes, CITA.
Exhibition at Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera, Prague
Terreform 1 opens a new "Green" Exhibition Oct. 29th at
The Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in Prague.
Lecture in Gallery, Oct. 30th. Sponsored by the U.S. Embassy.
Also a "Green Festival" with other participants that include: Colin Fournier, Mathias Sauerbruch, Stefan Behnisch, Georg W. Reinberg, and Martin Treberspurg.
Special Thanks: Klára Pučerová, Dan Merta, Zuzana Walter, Petr Knobloch.
New Book: Sonhos Dreams w/ Terreform 1

ISBN 978-85-88721-46-3
The book presents unbuilt idealized projects by professionals in the areas of design and architecture. The works of 40 designers are displayed from various countries: Dima Komissarov, Dominique Perrault, Fumie Shibata, Jean Marie Massaud, Jyrki Tasa, Ken Yeang, Korban / Flaubert, Mana Bernardes, Manuelle Gautrand, Marzio Fiorini, Matali Crasset, Michael Jantzen, Nigel Coates, Panatda Manurasda / Studiobo, Piercy Conner, Querkraft, Roberto Verschleisser, Richard Hutten, Sérgio Rodrigues, Stephen Burks, Seymourpowell, Toshihiko Suzuki, Youngju Oh Zuii Design Studio, and Mitchell Joachim.
In Vitro Meat Habitat

CNN cover story: Fab Tree Hab + Mushroom + MATscape Homes
Just Imagine...what life will be like in 2020?
Home sweet... jellyfish!
Architects share their vision of what homes of the future will look like.
Fancy living in a home shaped like a mushroom or an edible tree house?
see our Mushroom House, Fab Tree Hab, and MATscape dwellings.
images by Mitchell Joachim
Special Thanks to Lisa Botter
NextWorld on Discovery premieres Aug. 6th
See our work at Terreform 1 and many others in the premier episode of NEXTWORLD. This 14 hour documentary series on the Discovery Channel premieres Wednesday, August 6th at 8pm.
The series will air every Wednesday at 8pm for the following 13 weeks.
NEXTWORLD explores some of the truly amazing technologies, science, ideas and products that we will encounter over the next 20 years. What was learned during this show has made us wonderfully optimistic about our future. So much is possible: we will grow new brain cells and end Alzheimer's, travel to Mars, drive morphing cars, watch stunningly real holographic actors on Broadway, create energy to power cities using our footsteps, and routinely live beyond a century.
Special Thanks: Rob Cohen -Executive Producer NextWorld, Dena Goldstein, and Betty Chu.
La bionique: Fab Tree Hab

EdA Architecture Magazine: Fab Tree Hab

Lecture at University in Guatemala
Ecotransology, Mitchell Joachim, Ph.D.
at Francisco Marroquin University in Guatemala
School of Architecture, Aug. 18th, 2008.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Facultad de Arquitectura, 6 Calle final, zona 10Edificio Académico, D-614, Guatemala, Guatemala.
New Museum of Contemporary Art Panel Presentaion
Panel: The Visual Rhetoric of Environmentalism
for the New Museum of Contemporary Art, "After Nature," exhibition.
As scientific consensus about global warming gains traction with the public, this panel explores how such knowledge—and the environmental strategies it prompts—should be expressed visually.
Dr. Cameron Tonkinwise, Charles M. Blow, and Mitchell Joachim.
Moderated by Brian Sholis, editor of Artforum.com.
Saturday, August 16, at 3PM
New Museum,
235 Bowery, New York, NY.
Fab Tree Hab on HGTV Extreme Living
Home & Garden TV
FAB TREE HAB: Imagine the day when tree houses are no longer just for kids, when adults will actually get to live in a fully-functional home morphed out of living, breathing trees.
Thank You: Lightworks-KPI Productions, Andrea Pilat, Mashizan Masjum, Joanne Azern, Sarah Hodgson, Neri Oxman, Jesse Dobbie, Christopher Cassel, Tim McGarvey, Bob & Lauren Sarafan, Richard Reames, and more...
July 13, 2008 10:00 PM ET/PT
July 14, 2008 2:00 AM ET/PT
September 04, 2008 9:30 PM ET/PT
September 05, 2008 1:30 AM ET/PT
Kate Orff Studio Review at GSAPP
On jury for Kate Orff, Principal of Scape, Adv. Arch. mid-review, July 09 at Columbia, entitled CarboNYC. Students are looking at 3 sites and programs as a way to critique, participate in and visualize the Mayor's PLANYC 2030 initiative to reduce carbon emissions by 30%. --Looks Great!
Fab Tree Hab at MoMA, July 20-Oct 20

July 20th – October 20th, 2008.
The Museum of Modern Art Exhibition Gallery, sixth floor
Fab Tree Hab
Video installation, 2003-2008.
Mitchell Joachim, Terreform 1
Lara Greden, Javier Arbona.
QuickTime Movie: Fab Tree Hab
Special Thanks: Joey Forsyte, Velocity Filmworks, Barry Bergdoll, Peter Christensen, Graham Murdoch, Edward Ward.
Urban Design Panel, 6/27 @ 6pm, Columbia U.
Urban Design Panel:
"Sustainable Cities"
Fri. June 27th @ 6-8pm
Room 114, Avery Hall
Columbia University
Mellisa Wright (Mayor's Office for Longterm Planning and Sustainability), Melissa Keeley (Earth Institute, Columbia University, Tobias Holler (Cook + Fox Architects, NY), Mitchell Joachim (Terreform, NY)
Walt Disney R&D presentation
We had a great presentation and discussion at Walt Disney R&D in Glendale, CA. Thank you very much to the fantastic and green VP Dr. Ben Schwegler for being such a gracious host.
FACTS: Walt Disney Imagineering is the master planning, creative development, design, engineering, production, project management, and research and development arm of The Walt Disney Company and its affiliates. Representing more than 150 disciplines, its talented corps of Imagineers is responsible for the creation of Disney resorts, theme parks and attractions, hotels, water parks, real estate developments, regional entertainment venues, cruise ships and new media technology projects.
Earth & Sky Radio: Cities and Cars
Recipe for a sustainable city Earth & Sky - Austin, TX.
Mitchell Joachim: Location is everything. It’s a little too nebulous to say that, ‘here’s a ton of money — please give me a city from scratch...
Written by Jeremy Shere
Cars of the future Earth & Sky
Mitchell Joachim: It’s really not the car that’s the problem — it’s everything from the wheel to the notion of mobility and travel in places, ...
Written by Jeremy Shere
Winners: Architecture for Humanity and AMD
Architecture for Humanity and AMD are pleased to announce the winners of the 2007 AMD Open Architecture Challenge: Digital Inclusion. The global design competition invited architects, designers and others to develop sustainable designs for technology facilities in communities that lack access to computing power. The competition received 566 registered entries from 57 countries.
Fifth Place: Chocologia
Washington University, St. Louis, MO. USA
Faculty Advisor:
Mitchell Joachim, Ph.D.
Student Team:
Laura Anderson- M. Arch.
Carmen Cervantes- M. Arch.
Lucy Colville- B.A. Cultural Geography
Irene Compadre- B.A. Arch & B.F.A. Sculpture
Mason Earles- Coordinator, B.A. Urban Studies
Amelia Einbender-Leiber- B.A. Arch.
Jake Levitas- Coordinator, B.A. Economics & Environmental Studies
Emily Schlickman- B.A. International Studies & Environmental Studies
Alex Adarichev- B.A. Arch.
Tess Croner- B.S. Environmental Studies
Jen Fleming- M.Arch. Columbia University
Brian Maurizi- PhD candidate in Mathematics
Daniel Payne- B.S. Civil Engineering & Physics
Jacob Rohter- B.S. Environmental Studies
Jono Sanders- B.S. Mechanical Engineering
David Sin- M.Arch. Columbia University
The real and the imaginary: Mitchell Joachim

L to R:
Walter Isaacson
Peter Head
Dickson Despommier
Majora Carter
Mitchell Joachim
Blaine Brownell
Science Magazine
"The real and the imaginary"
by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee
The event wasn't so much about science as it was about development. Among the speakers were Mitchell Joachim, a New York designer who won the 2007 Time magazine inventor of the year award for designing -- along with MIT -- a compact, stackable city car, and Blaine Brownell (left), a University of Michigan materials researcher and architect who specializes in eco-friendly building materials.
Joachim wowed the audience with the imaginary. The animation videos he presented featured not just the stackable car -- the design of the stackable car, that is -- but also ideas such as trees networked together into natural green homes.
Brownell was next, and he riveted the audience with the real.
He didn't have videos to show; he wheeled onto the stage a cart loaded with eco-materials like polymeric fabric that converts light to power and countertop surfaces made from factory scrap. Many of these materials are already on the market or close to it, says Brownell, who is on a mission to popularize their use.
I don't know when I'll get to drive Joachim's vision: a car that bunches up like a ladder so you can park 800 of them on a New York city block and communicates with other cars to warn them about a new pothole. To me, it's a shining example of the imaginary part of science, which is often the driver of the real.
NY Times: Future Cities — and Festivals?
Future Cities — and Festivals?
June 2, 2008
By John Tierney
A Friday evening panel called “Future Cities” at the World Science Festival in New York, however, racked up points for positive thinking by taking its audience on virtual tours of skyscraper-farms powered by the sun; publicly-shared, zero-emission cars that can be stacked to fit 880 on a New York City block and homes made by grafting the branches of living trees.
Many of the designs on display could take decades to become a reality. But that didn’t stop the audience, packed into an auditorium at New York University on a warm spring evening, from oohing and ahhing.
How will cities of the future look? ABC News
"Soft Cars," is a concept by Terreform1, a design collaborative that integrates ecological principles into urban environments. The concept not only re-invents mobility as a designed object but also redefines the user's relationship to the city. (Dr. Mitchell Joachim, Terreform)
Joachim on Mongabay
Future cities will be more like ecosystems that enrich society and the environment
Tina Butler, mongabay.com
May 30, 2008
Discover Magazine at Future Cities Panel:
MIT’s media lab was present at the event with architect Mitchell Joachim representing. In true media lab form, Joachim came with the most far out idea of the night: Floating megacities. After climate change drowns many of our biggest cities, proposes Joachim, we just pull anchor and float them all to a location at the North Pole to create a “mega mega city.” This means New York, Hong Kong, London, and a dozen more major cities floating on some sort of barge in a dome to live together in harmony (needless to say, the details were fuzzy). Let’s hope we never see the day this plan needs legs.
ABC News: Mitchell Joachim/ Terreform 1
Climate Concerns Shape the Cities of Tomorrow
The Future of Urban Life Looks 'Green,' Say Experts
May 29, 2008
Terreform in Artdaily
Jane Marsching and Mitchell Joachim/Terreform travel even further afield – and into the future – with Arctic Listening Post (2006-present), an inter-disciplinary multimedia project that deals with historic impressions of the Arctic and how we can imagine a future there. With the fanciful air of Jules Verne, Marsching and Mitchell Joachim/Terreform are working in collaboration with scientists, architects, artists and even science fiction writers to conceive how we could sustain life at the North Pole in 100 years.
Badlands published - MASS MoCA & MIT Press
New Horizons in Landscape
Mitchell Joachim/Terreform,
Jane Marsching.
pp. 114-116, 220.
MASS MoCA & MIT press, 2008.
Artists: Robert Adams, Vaughn Bell, Boyle Family, Melissa Brown, Center for Land Use Interpretation, Leila Daw, Gregory Euclide, J. Henry Fair, Mike Glier, Anthony Goicolea, Marine Hugonnier, Paul Jacobsen, Mitchell Joachim/ Terreform, Nina Katchadourian, Jane Marsching, Alexis Rockman, Ed Ruscha, Joseph Smolinski, Yutaka Sone, Jennifer Steinkamp, Mary Temple.
MASS MoCA Opens Tomorrow: Future North
Badlands: New Horizons in Landscape
Opens May 24, 2008.
Future North:
Jane Marsching and Mitchell Joachim/Terreform travel even further afield – and into the future – with Arctic Listening Post, an inter-disciplinary multimedia project that deals with historic impressions of the Arctic and how we can imagine a future there. With the fanciful air of Jules Verne, Marsching and Mitchell Joachim/Terreform are working in collaboration with scientists, architects, artists and even science fiction writers to conceive how we could sustain life at the North Pole in 100 years.
Fab Tree Hab in YER Magazine, Turkey
published by Dost Kip, Editor of the YER Magazine
Argos Communications Inc.
next issue available in June 2008.
Future for All with Fab Tree Hab
Future Home, Fab Tree Hab
by John LaSage, Founder, FutureForAll.org
What could be in the house of the future? Here are some things you might find in a futuristic home.
Fab Tree Hab in next Orange Life magazine
see next issue of Orange Life by Gracie Leavitt
Orange Life is about thought and culture, and it's unapologetically sophisticated. Broadly, Orange Life is focused on the impact of a changing world on all aspects of our lives. Leaving aside cliches about the accelerated pace of this still-new century, Orange Life provides original perspectives on a world that is undoubtedly more complex and interrelated. Orange Life is a hybrid of the frivolous and the serious, in which it's at once OK to consider real and serious issues, and to embrace the small, the intimate and the everyday.
Archinode Studio in TASARIM magazine
Next issue of Tasarim magazine features;
SOFT Cars, Fab Tree Hab, MATscape, Mushroom + Snail Houses
by Sanel San
BG Magazine Interview w/ Mitchell Joachim
Next issue of Bg Magazine
profiles the work of Archinode Studio
by Ángeles Martínez, Editor
Super Cilia inside INFORM
Super Cilia Skin in the next issue of Inform Design Magazine
by Geraldine Zschocke
Talk Radio with Dr. Joachim
EarthSky Communications, interview by Jeremy Shere, Ph.D., May 16, 2008.
Good News Broadcast, production by Paul Sladkus, May 16, 2008.
KAOS Radio WA, interview by Kim Dobson, May 22, 2008.
Bauwelt 19.08 Out Now

Die Organisation eVolo lobte zum dritten Mal einen Wettbewerb aus, der nach architektonischen Visionen für das 21. Jahrhundert sucht. Angesichts weltweit wachsender Großstädte ging es in diesem Jahr um "vertikale Dichte". Mitchell Joachim, Preisträger 2006 und Jurymitglied 2007, erläutert, warum der Wettbewerb aus seiner Sicht ein Beitrag zum umweltfreundlichen Bauen ist.
Dr. J. + Evil Twin Booking Agency
Dr. Mitchell Joachim is represented by Scott Beibin of Evil Twin Booking Agency for future events/actions/lectures/film/TV appearances.
Evil Twin Booking Agency helps you bring politically charged and culturally challenging media to college campuses, theaters, infoshops, community centers, squats, microcinemas, dance clubs, caves and other venues throughout North America, Europe and South America. We manage tours and appearances for today's most prominent politically conscious speakers, authors, films and performers including: Dead Prez, Lost Film Fest, The Yes Men, Who Killed the Electric Car, Why We Fight, FOUND magazine, Bernardine Dohrn, Scream Club, The Corporation, Timothy Speed Levitch, Boots Riley, and more.
Columbia GSAPP Visual Studies EVENT
VS CAD Show Wed. May 14th @ 7pm
We will be showing work from:
Tilling Education: An Eco Aesthetic Approach, 2008.
Dr. Mitchell Joachim,
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Columbia University, GSAPP
TA: Michael Contento
Coordinator: Josh Uhl
Synergy Conference: The Evergreen State College
The Synergy Conference is a local event with a global message. The mission is simple; the integrations of diverse aspects of life into a sustainable model for our societies future. The event was introduced because the founding groups and individuals believed in combining issues of culture, design, ecology, agriculture and social justice and critically analyze their interconnectedness. The goal of the events is to create a collective vision and model of sustainability.
Dr. Mitchell Joachim
Thur. 5/22/08 @ 6:00 P.M. Lecture Hall 1
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA.
Art Daily: 01SJ Global Festival
ZER01 Invites the World To Experience Art on the Edge at 2nd Biennial 01SJ Global Festival
Jane Marsching and Mitchell Joachim (Terrefrom)
New Book - eVolo: Skyscraper for the XXI Century
eVolo: Skyscraper for the XXI Century
by Carlo Aiello,
"PeristalCity," eVolo Publishing, pp.14-15, 2008.
New article for Bauwelt
"Profusion of Invention: eVolo Skyscraper Competitions"
Mitchell Joachim, Ph.D. and Melanie Fessel
Bauwelt, May 9th, 2008.
Fab Tree Hab in Arquitectura y Diseño

Arquitectura y Diseño, pp. 169-74. No. 88, April 2008.
Terreform Expands

We have significantly expanded our staff and work spaces at the Metropolitan Exchange (MEx).
MEx is an architecture, urban planning, and research cooperative located in downtown Brooklyn. The space is made up of design professionals, developers, and scholars who come together to collaborate on architecture and planning projects, pursue development opportunities, and sponsor lectures, film screenings and exhibitions.
Future North: Noah Clones

Ecotarium bound biospherians dwell in the ex-Arctic landscape of tomorrow near the poles.
Photos & model by Dan O'Connor
Terreform at BOOST (Building Open Opportunity Structures)
BOOST to host Mitchell Joachim of Terreform, on sustainable architecture.
June 7th 2008
117 South Warren Street, Trenton, NJ.
Green, Smart, and Sustainable Stakeholder Education and Training 2008-09 (GSS-SET) are the natural outgrowth of our past efforts for community benefits by way of engaging redevelopment and economic growth-producing activities. GSS-SET will contribute to fighting global warming and pollution by stimulating the green building and clean energy economy and positioning local community leaders to help their constituencies capture a good portion of green collar jobs, develop or expand green businesses, and conduct advocacy and policy work to the benefit of populations with barriers to employment.
For more information about Building Open Opportunity Structures Together (BOOST), GSS-SET 2008-09, and the June 7 launch, please call our voice/fax center at (206) 202-2883 or email gss-set@gss-set.com.
Ecotariums at the North Pole

The movie installation will premier at:
MASS MoCA Badlands: New Horizons in Landscape
and 01SJ: A global festival of art on the edge
Jane D. Marsching and Dr. Mitchell Joachim/ Terreform
curators: Denise Markonish at MASS MoCA and Steve Dietz at SJMA
Taking Back the Streets, Sunday NY Times

by Jeff Byles, New York Times,
p. CY11, Sun. April 6, 2008.
Gentle Congestion:
Instead of designing cities for cars, why not design cars for a kinder city?
That’s what researchers at the Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have cooked up: smarter, gentler modes of urban transportation. “If you think of your average car, it doesn’t have the same smarts as a horse,” said Mitchell Joachim, a former Media Lab researcher. A horse, he points out, is unlikely to run off the road, naturally avoids head-on collisions, and at least comes when you whistle. With the horse in mind, Dr. Joachim, now executive director of a New York design collaborative called Terreform, has helped conceive of a lightweight electric car that would sense the presence of other vehicles and slow down in potentially dangerous areas.
On-board navigation systems would drive people where they wanted to go. Parking meters, linked to each other and to the vehicles, could signal an open space. These smart cars would even sense that pothole you just ran over, and report it to maintenance crews. Because the vehicles could be made of soy-based plastic shells that could bump into each other without damage, they could move in flocks. Designers call it “gentle congestion.” Quick braking systems protect pedestrians, so there is no need for sidewalks, lanes or signals.
World Science Festival: May 30th - NYC

is speaking at the
World Science Festival:
on the Future Cities Panel:
Majora Carter
Dickson Despommier
Peter Head
Blaine Brownell
Friday, May 30, 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM,
NYU - Kimmel Center for University Life
Future Cities: Sustainable Solutions, Radical Designs — We stand at a crossroads. Cities must change radically to achieve long-term sustainability. Energy, food and water sources, transportation systems and basic infrastructure, must all adapt to emerging pressures from climate change, dwindling resources and growing urban populations.
How will we meet this immense challenge? In a program that is part celebration of human ingenuity and part stark reminder of the problems we face, influential architects, urban planners, scientists and technologists lay out radical blueprints and innovative solutions as they imagine housing, feeding, transporting and sustaining city dwellers of the not too distant future.
other speakers include:
Alan Alda, Cynthia Breazeal, Brian Greene, Peter Galison, Ray Kurzweil, Richard Leaky, Oliver Sacks, David Sinclair, Saul Griffith, and MORE
Ecogram: The Sustainability Question

OCT. 19th-25th, 2008
The Sustainability Question
at Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation
Dean: Marc Wigley
Faculty: Mitchell Joachim, Ph.D. &
Ioanna Theocharopoulou, Ph.D.
Benjamin Prosky, Director of Special Events
Melissa Cowley Wolf, Associate Director, Alumni Relations
more TBA: www.ecogram.org
X-OLOGY Magazine: Fab Tree Hab

by Jane Gleeson,
X-ology, p.19, Winter 2008.
Riva Ring 2023

constraint. Physically, the site is blessed by its dramatic proximity to the Black
Sea, by rolling hills, by a sinuous river, by green fields and forests, by intimate
beaches, by an existing town of intimate informality, by a protected forest buffer,
and by its easy proximity to Istanbul.
It is, however, challenged by salt winds, demanding topography, by the risk of
becoming a mere commuter dormitory, by existing plans and infrastructures, and
by a pattern of land holdings and regulations that demand what may be a too even
distribution of building across the site. Riva is no tabula rasa and our approach is
shaped by a set of prior decisions we might not have made. For example, were
there an effective way of consolidating and transferring development rights, it
would be possible to create a much more compact city, one less challenged by
low densities and sprawl.
The Masdar Competition

The MASDAR Biome is
both a revolutionary and an evolutionary structure intended to embody the best available practices for both sustainability and sociability. Like the new city in which it sits, the MASDAR Biome will be a visual and functional landmark on the pathway to a rational planetary future. We strongly believe that this future must penetrate every aspect of city building, that the ecological perspective has long taught us that natural systems are complex, distributed, and dynamic. We hope that this project, in this remarkable city, will play its role not simply within the perimeter of its own property but as a key actor for the city as a whole and for the new cities its construction so dramatically portends.
As we illustrate in our submission, our proposal will embody and expand upon virtually all of the suggested technologies laid out in the project brief. Understanding that sustainability must be achieved on both supply and demand sides of the equation, we have worked closely with our engineers not simply to assure the lowest energy (actual and embodied), water, waste, emissions and air quality, toxicity, and life-cycle cost, via consumption or production. And, we have sought to achieve this with a maximum emphasis on the most passive available systems. Throughout, we have utilized these technologies not simply as the means to technical solutions to environmental projects but as a way of foregrounding the importance of the people – and the needs of their human bodies – who will occupy this space.
Home Concepts magazine: Fab Tree Hab

by Huang Nickmatul
Home Concepts, pp. 28-32, March 2008.
Terreform at MASS MoCA
Badlands: New Horizons in Landscape
Opens May 24, 2008
Jane D. Marsching and Terreform
Telegraph UK highlights the Fab Tree Hab
Ideal Home Show: Why tomorrow never came
Chris Stevens, Telegraph.co.uk, March 8, 2008.
"Days of future passed: Predictions that stil have potential
Grow your own buildings MIT architect Mitchell Joachim has been working on a building called the Fab Tree Hab, which is constructed out of living trees. These trees are physically bound together to form a solid structure. The next step would be to genetically engineer a tree to grow in the shape of a house.
The tree would form walls and floors as it matured, and grow a new extension every year."
Arboreal Architecture Prototype

Just as the modern biotechnology revolution owes its existence to the intelligence in ecosystems at the molecular level, sustainable technologies for homes can also benefit from biological, natural systems; however, starting at the molecular scale is not necessary. Rather, as the intention of this design explores, lumber maintained in its macro, living form becomes a superstructure. Templates, cut from 3D computer files control the plant growth in the early stages. After a time the templates are removed and reused in a new home.
- New 3D model fabrication with Edward Ward.
A True Homegrown Investment: Fab Tree Hab
"A True Homegrown Investment"
by: Marie Langhout, NuWire Investor, Feb. 19, 2008.
Can’t afford to build a house? Grow one.
High Gloss/ Social Conscience at SCOPE
Louise Blouin Media (publishers of Art+Auction, Modern Painters, Culture+Travel) is presenting a discussion panel at the SCOPE Art Fair on Saturday 29th March between 5pm – 6pm.
High Gloss/ Social Conscience
Craig Kellogg, editor at Interior Design
James Zemaitis, Vice President of the Design Dept. Sotheby’s
Rick Cook, Cook + Fox Architects
Morgan Falconer, writer
Dr. Mitchell Joachim, Partner at Terreform
Susan Morris, editor in chief of Modern Painters, moderator.
at The SCOPE Pavilion, Lincoln Center.
Synergy Conference
Synergy: The 7th Annual Sustainable Living Conference
The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington
May 23rd-24th, 2008.
Dr. Mitchell Joachim of Terreform: Ecotransology - Collapse of Nature
01SJ: Global Festival of Art on the Edge
Earthtimes - London, UK:
Terreform (Mitchell Joachim) will be showcased w/ Jane Marsching
Future North: Ecotarium - An Observatory of Nature’s Collapse
SAN JOSE, CA -- 02/04/08 -- ZER01, organizers of 01SJ, a Global Festival of Art on the Edge, today announced plans for its second biennial festival here, June 4-8. 01SJ will feature transformative and provocative new works from world-renowned artists and performers at the cross-section of contemporary art, technology, and culture. The five-day Festival will incorporate exhibitions, films, concerts, performances, happenings, and nightlife occurring throughout downtown San Jose's parks, public streets, museums, theaters, and clubs. http://www.01sj.org/
Transmaterial 2: Super Cilia Skin

"Transmaterial 2: A Catalog of Materials That Redefine Our Physical Environment," Blaine Brownell,
Princeton Architectural Press, 2008.
Super Cilia Skin:
MIT Team:
Mitchell Joachim, Hayes Raffle, James Tichenor
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