
Conditions Magazine: Mitchell Joachim

Conditions Magazine Issue #9 New Knowledge – New Practices? Mitchell Joachim, "Prescience". 



Vice Mag: The Living House

by Jedd Thomas & Alex Pasternack 
Imagine a future where the cities we live in are built in accordance with nature, where buildings are designed to incorporate features from ecological systems without compromising technological innovation or the quality of the environment. If it sounds like wishful thinking – or science fiction – have a look at what Mitchell Joachim is brewing at the architecture and urban think tank Terreform ONE / Planetary ONE. Based in Brooklyn, New York, it’s the first architectural office that works in tandem with a biology laboratory, uniting an ambitious group of architects, synthetic biologists, and urban planners to bring a promising vision of the city quite literally to life.


We received the Victor J. Papanek Social Design Award in Vienna

Together with the Museum of Arts and Design, NYC and the Austrian Cultural Forum, NYC, the University of Applied Arts launched the competition Design for the Real World REDUX in Spring 2011.
Winning projects

Mitchell Joachim and Maria Aiolova (New York): PLANETARY ONE + TERREFORM ONE, Brooklyn Urbaneering 2110 collaborators for urban environment strategies.

Wendy Brawer (New York): Green Map System of paper maps and mobile apps for sustainable development.

Yves Béhar (San Francisco): OLPC XO-3 Tablet childen’s educational tool for worldwide distribution.

Terreform in the press: Die Presse, Austria
"Social Design: Eine bessere Welt auf Wien-Besuch"
Nov. 12, 2011, Norbert Philipp and Karin Schuh (Die Presse)

Book publication of the Exhibition: Design for the Real World REDUX.


AIA Philadelphia, keynote; Mitchell Joachim

A.I.A. Philadelphia's 9th Annual Design on the Delaware conference keynote lecture; Mitchell Joachim, Terreform + Planetary ONE.  Speakers include; Ellen Dunham-Jones, Mahadev Raman, Charles Waldheim.

Harvard REAI Lecture, Mitchell Joachim

The Real Estate Academic Initiative at Harvard University (REAI) International Advisory Board Lecture Mitchell Joachim, Terreform + Planetary ONE, at the Harvard Faculty Club.
Speakers include; Richard Peiser, Alex Krieger, Marvin Minsky, Dani Rodrik, Robert Peck.

Metropolis Magazine, Terreform + Planetary ONE

Two thriving design collectives—housed in a nondescript building
Brooklyn—may provide a model for a new way of working.
Over the next five years, the building slowly earned a reputation for being
a place where “smart people just like to hang out,” in the words of Mitchell Joachim, whose urban design nonprofit, Terreform ONE, is on the seventh floor. Joachim, a senior TED fellow, is one of four TED fellows who rent work space on that floor. Other tenants of the sixth and seventh floors include award-winning architects, artists, urban planners, biologists, designers, engineers, a physicist, and a geographer—an impressive collection of talented people by any standard.

Design Mind Magazine, Mitchell Joachim

The Urbaneers in frog Design Mind Magazine, issue 15, 2011.
TED Fellow Mitchell Joachim and his team at Terreform ONE+  Planetary ONE are going beyond green to re-engineer Brooklyn. We include a pullout poster that gives a glimpse into their Urbaneering Brooklyn project.


Storefront for Art and Architecture; CRITICAL HALLOWEEN

Storefront for Art and Architecture presents CRITICAL HALLOWEEN, a costume architecture party devoted to the most feared ghost of architectural production: BANALITY.
Above; Bjarke Ingels as BIG Foot and Mitch as "Not Bucky", Middle; Mitch as Not Bucky (Buckminster Fuller), Bottom; Mitch and Maria Aiolova.

GSD Alumni Mitchell Joachim and Maria Aiolova win Victor J. Papanek Social Design Award

Mitchell Joachim (MAUD '02) and Maria Aiolova (MAUD '02) were among the winners of the Victor J. Papanek Social Design Award sponsored by The Museum of Arts and Design in New York, the Victor J. Papanek Foundation at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, and the Austrian Cultural Forum New York.
Joachim and Aiolova of Terreform One and Planetary One were selected for their project Urbaneering Brooklyn 2110: Ecological City of the Future, a design for an intensified version of Brooklyn that supplies all vital needs for its population.

TEDxTransmedia Mitchell Joachim