
Ecology Design NOW at Center for Architecture

Class: Ecology Design Now w/ Terreform ONE The Public School, Telic Arts Exchange at Center for Architecture A.I.A. NY http://nyc.thepublicschool.org/class/1420 Special Thanks: Todd Rouhe, Maria Ibañez de Sendadiano, IdS/R architecture


Ecogram II at GSAPP Columbia University

please see www.ecogram.org Special Thanks to Mark Wigley and Benjamin Prosky Monday, October 12, 2009 at 6:30 pm Invisible Cities. Innovation and Complexity in Informal Settlements Roundtable hosted by Ioanna Theocharopoulou + Mitchell Joachim, (GSAPP and Parsons the New School for Design) Urban Think Tank, Alfredo Brillembourg + Hubert Klumpner / GSAPP Margaret Crawford, Professor of Architecture, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley Teddy Cruz, Professor in Public Culture, Visual Arts Department, UC San DiegoChristian Werthmann, Associate Professor, Program Director in Landscape Architecture, Harvard University Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 6:30 pm Informal Urban Economics in the Global South Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor of Economics, Columbia University Wednesday October 14, 2009 at 6:30 pm Climate Change and Human Rights Bianca Jagger, Human Rights advocate, Council of Europe Goodwill Ambassador, Chair of the World Future Council. Followed by exhibit opening: ECO-REDUX at 8:30 pmCurated by Lydia Kalipoliti, Avery Hall, 2nd Floor Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7-9 pmSafari 7 Reading Room, Exhibition opening, Co-curated by Glen Cummings, Janette Kim, and Kate Orff. at Studio-X, 180 Varick Street , Ste. 1610 Friday, 10/16 from 1-3 PM Avery Hall, Room 114, Columbia University Roundtable Discussion & Debate: ECOGRAM II: What is Green Learning at GSAPP? With Glen Cummings, Janette Kim, Kate Orff, Mitchell Joachim and Ioanna Theorcharopoulou and others Hosted and Organized by GREEN BUILDERS @ Columbia TBA Greening the City of Chicago Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago Hosted by Dean Mark Wigley

Homeway: The Future Street at Pratt Gallery NY


Reshaping Cities on CNBC

The Business of Innovation hosted by Maria Bartiromo RESHAPING CITIES - Premiered Monday, October 5th Each year, we add the equivalent of seven New Yorks to the planet, creating strains our ageing cities are struggling to handle. The intelligent city won't just survive under this strain - it will flourish. Touching upon public safety, traffic, “self-aware” buildings, and smart grids, this show introduces the systems that will make the cities of the future both successful and sustainable. Thought Leaders: Mitchell Joachim, PhD, Urban Designer and Architect Paul Romer, PhD, Senior Fellow at Stanford University. Michael Chernoff, former US Secretary of Homeland Security. Special Thanks: Terry Murphy, Jessica Gerstle, Sarah Orenstein. see video: http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=1285639918&play=1#