La Biennale di Venezia Architettura 2025 w/ Terreform ONE, Mitchell Joachim, Peder Anker, Melanie Fessel, and Paul D. Miller
MAXXI Museum, Restless Architecture w/ Terreform ONE
MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Arts, Rome, IT.
Terreform ONE, Homeway models, Restless Architecture, galleria KME. Exhibition: October 2024 - 16 March 2025. Curation and exhibition design by Diller Scofidio + Renfro. Special Thanks: Viviana Vignoli, Phillip Denny, David Allin, Serena Zuliani, Sabrina Sideri, Francesca Melissano, Chiara Castiglia.
Fast Company: Terreform ONE Wins BioDesign of the Year!
Disrupting Mobility 2024 Berlin w/ Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE
May 15th-16th, 2024, Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin.
RISD Nature Lab Lecture w/ Mitchell Joachim Terreform ONE
Edna W. Lawrence Nature Lab at Rhode Island School of Design, May 6th, 6:30 PM, 2024.
The Nature Lab and Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies present the third lecture in the 2024 Spring Speaker Series: Mitchell Joachim, "Bunnies and Biotech: Designing Synthetic Life"
see here: https://naturelab.risd.edu/events/spring-speaker-series-mitchell-joachim/
Terreform ONE in Domus w/ Fab Tree Hab
Emanuele Quinz, 04 March 2024, DOMUS: "Alive and growing: architectures made of trees"
"Architecture has always been a mineral technique, producing buildings that are stable, impermeable, and strong. But what if we turned our focus to plant-based architecture instead?"
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grant to Terreform ONE
Guangzhou Design Triennial w/ Terreform ONE
Guangzhou Design Triennial
Next Nature Magazine: Spacefarming
Ruben Baart, Next Nature Magazine: Spacefarming, "Cricket Shelter, Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE". pp. 110-113.
Fab Tree Hab: Multispecies Living Structure
The Fab Tree Hab is an extension of its surrounding ecosystem, a habitat made from native willow trees that play host to humans and nonhumans. As dynamic as a forest, the structure is an embodiment of 100% living matter, upending human-centered and energy-intensive construction practices. The system can act as a major catalyst to improve air quality, sequester carbon, increase biodiversity, as well as provide refuge and food sources to local fauna.
UN Goals House By Design: Creating Healthy and Resilient Cities w/ Mitchell Joachim Terreform ONE
Roundtable participants include:
- Dr. Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE, and NYU
- Dr. Maria Neira, Director of Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organisation
- Dr. Marina Romanello, Executive Director at Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change
- Ashwin Vasan, The Commissioner of the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, New York City Commission
- Dr. Mauricio Ilabaca, Head of the Environment Department Chilean Medical College
- Glyn Richards, Director of Sustainability, Bupa
- Diego Lopez Urruchi, Co-head of Architecture and Technology Unit, Norman Foster Foundation
- Shruti Narayan, Regional Director for South and West Asia, C40
- Arthy Hartwell, Policy Lead, Climate and Health, Wellcome Trust
- David Croft, Global Head of Sustainability, Reckitt
- Laura Mann, Director, Global Partnerships and Operations, AstraZeneca
- Gary Cohen, President, and founder, Health Care Without Harm
ETH Zurich - Enough Seminar w/ Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE
Enough Seminar: Prototyping Circular And Ecological Systems In Urban Contexts
Hubert Klumpner Prof. of Architecture and Urban Design / LUS
Adey Bryan T. Prof. of Infrastructure Management / D-BAUG
Mitchell Joachim Prof. of Practice at NYU, Terreform ONE
Momoyo Kaijima Prof. of Architectural Behaviorology / IEA
Silke Langenberg Prof. of Construction Heritage and Preservation / ITA / IDB
Engineering Biology and the Fourth Industrial Revolution w/ Mitchell Joachim Terreform ONE
Engineering Biology and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Daniel Grushkin (MODERATOR)
Founder and Executive Director, Biodesign Challenge
Fashion Institute of Technology
Theanne Schiros, Associate Professor
Pratt Institute
Jeanne Pfordresher, Artist/Designer
New School Parsons Healthy Materials Lab
Alison Mears, Director/Co-Founder Parsons Healthy Materials Lab
Associate Professor of Architecture
Terreform ONE
Mitchell Joachim, Associate Professor NYU and Co-Founder
Location: Industry City, Camp David
220 36th Street, Brooklyn NY
Scope NYU Research Magazine with Mitchell Joachim
Pandemic Effect w/ Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE
Joachim, Mitchell, Miller, Paul D. and Peder Anker, “Commemorating COVID,” The Pandemic Effect: Ninety Experts on Immunizing the Built Environment, Braine Brownell (ed.), Princeton Architectural Press, pp. 44-45.
KoozArch Interview w/ Mitchell Joachim Terreform ONE
New York School of Interior Design w/ Mitchell Joachim- The Sally Henderson Green Design Lecture 2023
Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE: The Work of Architecture in the Age of Synthetic Biology
In the challenging context of accelerating climate dynamics, the core discipline of architectural design is evolving and embracing new forms of action. New York-based nonprofit Terreform ONE has established a distinctive design tactic that investigates projects through the regenerative use of natural materials, biological science, and the emergent field of socio-ecological design. This kind of approach uses actual living matter (not abstracted imitations of nature) to create functional elements and spaces. These future-based actions are not only grounded in social justice but are also far-reaching in their application of digital manufacturing and maker culture. Terreform ONE tackles urgent environmental and urban social concerns through the integrated use of living materials and organisms.
The Sally Henderson Green Design Lecture is an annual event created to honor the memory of NYSID faculty member, Sally Henderson, who developed the College’s first course in sustainable or green design.
Keynote at DASA Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE
DesignIntelligence Podcast: Here and Now (and in the Near Future) w/ Mitchell Joachim Terreform ONE
This is Design Intelligence, David G. Gilmore and Mitchell Joachim.
TIDI068: Here and Now (and in the Near Future)
Norman Foster Foundation Workshop on Sustainability w/ Mitchell Joachim Terreform ONE

ACSA Intersection Conference Talk w/ Mitchell Joachim Terreform ONE
07 Oct, 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Art at Water’s Edge symposium at Park Avenue Armory w/ Mitchell Joachim
SUN OCT 9: Where Do We Go From Here?
4:00pm–5:15pm: Concurrent Sessions
Metabolism | Photosynthesism
Eco-systems artist Michael Wang in conversation with Global Asia theorist Eng-Beng Lim regarding micro and megastructures of plant ecology on Purple Earth.
Signe Nielsen in conversation with Mitchell Joachim
Landscape architect Signe Nielsen (Little Island) in conversation with Mitchell Joachim (The Monarch Sanctuary) on resilience and adaptation in the built environment.
At the Sea’s Edge
Sociologist Macarena Gómez-Barris in conversation with durational artist and activist Sarah Cameron Sunde on Sunde’s durational performance with the sea.
Atlantic is a Sea of Bones
Artist and activist Tourmaline in conversation with performer Egyptt Labeija, star of Tourmaline’s film Atlantic is a Sea of Bones on linking past, present, and future on the West Side Piers of Manhattan.
5:30pm: Closing Remarks
Author and director May Joseph (Fluid New York, Terra Aqua) shares some her recent work and reflects upon the day’s proceedings. Moderated by Tavia Nyong’o
Netflix, The Future Of: Skyscrapers w/ Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE
Design Intelligence, Unlimited Pedagogy w/ TerreformX
Melanie Fessel, Mitchell Joachim, TerreformX, Q3 INFLUENCE: WORLD BUILDING Unlimited Pedagogy, Design Intelligence Quarterly, 2022. Michael LeFevre Editor, DI Media Group.
Digital Landscape Architecture (DLA 2022) Conference at Harvard University
Design Hotels, Arena Keynote
Arena* 2022 in Crete from Design Hotels - Keynote with Mitchell Joachim, Terreform ONE. Special thanks to Ksenia Starikova.
RMIT University and UNSW Canberra Lecture
June 1st 2022, RMIT University and University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra, Lecture. Special thanks to; Olivier Cotsaftis and Nina Williams.